IMPL_DailyMaintenance process is mandatory job that should be executed in daily basis. This job is customized during implementation project and contains of following process:
No | Process Name | Description |
1 | FF_deployAndRefreshPolicy | Policy rules are only put into effect once they have been deployed to AIS using this process, it will deploy new and updated rules in Policy Manager menu in RCM/ActOne so it can be used as detection rule. |
2 | FF_appMaintenance | Maintain transaction table within application database (IFM_APP) which is partitioned with 31 partitions (one partition to store data from each day of month). |
3 | FF_IDB_BatchProcess | Saves metadata from the IFM application database (IFM_APP) into files for loading to DB. |
4 | IDB_loadAndMergeFF | IDB stores data in partitions, with each partition storing the data for one day. When you initialize IDB, you configure the number of buffer days for which partitions are to be available. When the daily partitions are filled, you have to run a process that replenishes the available buffer day This process will load IFM metadata to IDB which has been saved into files using FF_IDB_BatchProcess process (no 3). This process also creates new partitions as needed, and purges old data partitions according to the retention periods defined in the IDB_applicationConfig.xml configuration file. Note: Only data from old partitions which not related to any alerts will be deleted. |
5 | IDB_extractRCMData | Extracting the all IFM metadata from RCM/ActOne into IDB files. It also take all the alert data of alerts created or updated since the last load to IDB completed. The metadata will be saved in .csv and .ctrl files. |
6 | IDB_loadAndMergeRCM | Load the RCM IFM data to IDB (output from process no 5). It will loads data files in the staging directory into the IDB staging schema. Then it merges the data from the staging schema into the data schema. |
7 | IDB_mergeIFMReportData | Calculated the data needed for IFM policy reports. Once the process finished, it allow users to create up to date performance reports in RCM/ActOne. It is re-runnable in case of failure. |