Step 1
Open ActOne/RCM Designer, and connect to available server on left pane
Step 2
Click on "Work Items" (1) and find the alert type which you want to check the workflow from "Types" tab (2), in this example we'll check workflow used by "Manual Party Alert"
Hint: To get the type of your alert, you can check the value of alerts.alert_type_internal_id and compare to acm_md_alert_types.alert_type_internal_id which reside in your RCM/ActOne a.alert_id, b.alert_type_internal_id, b.short_name as alert_type from alerts a join acm_md_alert_types b on a.alert_type_internal_id=b.alert_type_internal_id where a.alert_id='SAM123' |
From table "Steps Workflow" (4) you'll see the workflow used for the particular alert type
Step 3
To check the workflow, open "Work Items" (1) and find the workflow from "Steps Workflow" (2) tab. Double click on the workflow name appear in the step 2 above to open it and see the steps available in the workflow.